Tuesday, February 3, 2009

La de dah....

Can't really update much without a camera right now, as it took a swim last week in the dish
water ;)-

Not much new here...Bella decided she doesn't like clothes now either. Getting ready in the morning is interesting to say the least.

Bella is getting really good at talking now. She can mimick what you say a lot. She was looking at pictures in her crib the other day and I could here her whispering Nana. So I pointed to one particular picture and said Nana. She said..nana. Then I pointed to another and said Cindy. She said...Ceendee. I pointed to her wall and said flower. She said lkjsflkjsfd. I sounded it out for her...fafafa flower. She said Fawer. She can also say, mama, dada, mine, no, hi, bye, Paaa(parker) , papa, juice, bath, baby, please, socks, hot, cold, yes, to name a few. Once the cameras fixed we of course will post video.

Parker is still peeing on the potty but he picks when. He refuses to wear pullups or his nunderwears right now so we're just being patient, it will come. He is also very vocal these days and it's pretty funny to hear the things that come out his mouth. The other day he told daddy, "Hey, whats the big idea!"


Amy said...

Meme is an easy word to say....think about it. :) You guys have a little nudist colony going on down there huh? Give them a big hug from me!

mom said...

That is exactly what I thought..........you either have a nudist colony growing down there or just maybe????Josh was just a little right.....too hot! Maybe you should turn dowwn the heat for a few days, afterall we know Parker hates the cold!!!!!xoxoxox