Friday, February 6, 2009

Bellas 18 month wellness visit!

Bella had her checkup today! Her stats were...

Head- 18 1/4 (50%)
Weight- 23 1/4 (50%)
Height- 33 1/4 (75%)

Her head and weight are right in line for her age. She dropped from the 95th percentile to the 75th for height so she will be tall but not the GIANT we were told...hahaha She had a surprise ear infection though :( No temp and she's not cranky so it must not bother her thankfully. I blame Target Carts...hahaha. Other than that, healthy little girl!

Parker is out with daddy for the 2nd time ice skating! He LOVES it and might be a little Josh soon. Mommy's wondering why he can't take up Chess? We won't have a camera for at least a couple more weeks so I will have to figure out this webcam thing to get some new pics on here!


mom said...

OMG! I could just cry thinking about Parker skating with Josh! Maybe I should fly home and see it for myself!!!!Isn't our Bella doing wonderful. Pretty girl! Growing like a weed. She obviously is taking after Nana, tall and thin, right? hahaha I miss them!!!!!!

Connie said...

Good Job Belle!

How exciting that Parker is skating already!