Monday, July 28, 2008

Present in the mail!!!!!

Bella woke up from her nap and got to see her birthday present that had arrived from Nana! (yes we let her open it early!)

Thank you Nana!!!! When we first put them on her she thought it was sooo cool to walk in them because they were so squishy and put a little bounce in her step!

1 comment:

Annie said...

Great video of Bella and her new shoes! I love the count-downs, too!

The ABC's of Me!
A- Attached or Single? Attached
B- Best Friend? Carl is right at the top
C- Cake or Pie? chocolate cake
D- Day of Choice? Sunday
E- Essential Item? camera
F- Favorite Color? red
G- Gummy Bears or Worms? bears
H- Hometown? Fargo
I- Favorite Indulgence? a nap
J- January or July? January
K- Kids? one son
L- Life isn't complete without? my Eric
M- Marriage date? August 18, 2000
N- Number of brothers and sisters? 1 older sister
O- Oranges or Apples? Apples
P- Phobias and Fears? fear of heights
R- Reason to smile? silly times with Eric
S- Season of choice? Late spring almost Summer
T- Ticklish? extremely
U- Unknown fact about me? If I tell you, it wouldn't be unknown
V- Vegetable? carrots or sweet corn at the end of the summer
W- Worst Habit? I interrupt people too much and it drives me nuts
X-ray or Ultrasound? I've had both
Y- Your favorite food? Italian
Z- Zodiac Sign? Sagittarius

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