Wednesday, May 28, 2008

We're back. No viral menegitis and no P word disease. The pinprick spots are most likely caused from the flu virus itself or from vomiting. He's not dehydrated and doing well. He is still sleeping but the doc said it's normal and it may take a couple more weeks to be 100%. She said unfortunately kids get the flu longer than adults normally would. Bad news for Parker. But good news it's not something else. He opened his eyes for this picture while daddy hid. To top it all off, miss Bella is teething those top teeth and mommy is weaning her from mommy food. Not a happy girl this week! hahaha.


Connie said...

So sorry you are so sick Parker!

Bella...those teeth are a pain!!

Josh! Whoo Hoo on getting the boobies back!

Amy in Ohio said...

Hope your Parker is feeling better.

I had to pop in (hope I'm not disturbing you!!).

I have a Parker and a Bella too! My Parker is almost 2 (next Friday as a matter of fact), she's one of the girl variety Parkers! And my Bella is a dear, sweet Border Collie who is just now three!

mom said...

I can hardly stand to see Parker so sick. We are going to have to fatten him up arn't we! I am so glad you all didn't get the "bug". Yah! Bella!

I am glad you got your birds................hatched! NOW WHEN THEY FLY YOU CAN REMOVE IT AND THEY WILL BE OFF IN BIRD LAND SOMEWHERE! I bet Parker and Bella love to see those little ones! Will see you soon....two weeks!