Thursday, December 3, 2009

Santa came early!!!!

So we were out shopping and saw a deal at Target for a much wanted train table (last one left and sold out online!). We snuck it in the back of the truck when the kids weren't watching. Had them make some cookies for Santa and Parker wrote Santa a letter asking him for a train table. Daddy took the kiddos out to the mailbox in thier jammies to mail Santa thier letter. Daddy and mommy assembled the table that night and in the morning we woke the kids to see if Santa came! Turns out he did! (a few days early)


mom said...

Oh my goodness! Could those two be any cuter! How lucky to see Santa so early! Parker seems so into the whole deal but Bella looks a bit pissy about that stranger eating her cookies!!!!Too funny. Thats our Bella!! Can't wait to get to see you all! Love the tree!!!!!


mom said...

What could Nana add to the train must tell me!

Parker N Bella said...

Haha, yah I don;t think Bella understood the concept that you leave cookies for Santa and he leaves you presents. She just thought this jolly man comes into homes stealing cookies..haha

The train table is made by Circo (Target brand) There's train sets and trains that they sell for it. We bought one box set but all the rest were sold out at our Target. I think any trains would do though?