Sunday, January 18, 2009

Parkers new nunderwears! Thomas the choo choo train!

Perhaps he's a little confused as to where these go...
Big girl drinking from a big girl cup...she loves ice water.... Wearing another Christmas outfit..this ones from Auntie Jenn....
Bleh...daddys sweaty hat..hahah..even she makes that look good!


mom said...

I can't believe I am seeing Parker in big boy pants! He looks like such a big boy! I love the picture of Bella on the run..........she really looks so much older than she is or is it just me? LOVE those stripes!

choo choo choo and Thomas too!

Parker N Bella said...

Yah she does seem older than Parker at htis age...she's defiantly taller by a couple inches than he was! Ha! I think we'll have to nickname her "legs" haha