Friday, November 9, 2007

Mr. Talk and Ms. Giggles

Parker got his stitches out on Thursday and bawled! Didn't cry when they went in but did NOT like the doctor near him this time. Haha...he was rewarded witha sticker and the doctor became his best friend. He also got to try on his daddys hockey jacket and didn't want to take it off. He flapped his arms over and over in it! He is really getting this talking thing. Although he can't articulate the words, he tries so hard. I'm sure he'll be a little chatterbox by xmas! Bella has just started to giggle! She did it for her daddy today and it was really cute! Mommy just won a xmas outfit on Ebay and you're gonna die when you see her in it...adorable! Tonight will be her real first night out of our bed. Daddys making her...big meanie! I think we'll all get more sleep this way though.

1 comment:

mom said...

Oh my gosh..........Josh! Look how big that jacket is and it is not too far from fitting Parker. He looks soooooo cute! Our new little hockey puck!